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country line dancing southern vt wallingford

Sync Up with Sue Line Dancing

Line Dancing: Come one, come all! If you love to dance and meet new people, join us for this great, fun way to stay fit in a relaxed, yet energetic environment. This form of dance is once again surging in popularity! Learn country and mainstream dances, which follow a sequence of repeated steps, as all ages come together and dance in sync as a group. Dances/steps will be broken down to a beginner level and we will see where it takes us. So, if you’ve already been exposed to line dancing and have some skills -OR- if you’re a never-ever, it’s never too late! Come and join the fun…

Susan was in the country line dancing scene in NY as she was teaching and winning line dance competitions. Now she is excited to bring her own flare of teaching country line dancing to Southern VT.

Offered Wednesdays 6:45 – 7:45 PM ongoing

Offered Wednesdays 4:30 – 5:25 PM beginning 1/10/24 (kids/youth)

Wallingford Town Hall
75 School Street
Wallingford, VT 05773 (2nd Floor)

Offered Wednesdays 10:45 – 11:45 AM beginning 1/17/24

Southern Vermont Ballet
138 Spruce St
Manchester, VT 05251

Email Sue to register or for more info:

Definitive Dance & Fitness

198 Stone Hollow
Londonderry, VT 05148

p: 914-500-5162